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  •   MIL-STD-461 CS101, RS101

      MIL-STD-461 CS101 specifies the conducted susceptibility test of equipment and subsystem AC and DC input power leads, in the frequency range of 30 Hz to 150 kHz.

      MIL-STD-461 RS101 is used to assess the radiated susceptibility of equipment and subsystem enclosures, including electrical cable interfaces, in the frequency range of 30 Hz to 100 kHz.

      Montena offers a complete test solution for both standards. Dedicated control software with a graphical user interface allows simple setup via scroll down menus to select the appropriate components. Calibration and measurement are designed to be fully automated, with reports generated afterwards.


      Automatic calibration for the full test frequency range

      Automatic configuration of the measurement equipment setting

      Scroll-down menus for selecting test equipment and components

      Frequency sweeping

      Test and calibration reports automatically generated


    Frequency injection Signal generator SIG10M 0 to 10 MHz
    Power amplifier PA20A 0 to 300 kHz frequency range
    Coupling transformers TR250K50A 50 A, for CS101
    Radiating loop SG12-RS101 30 Hz to 100 kHz, 15 A continuous for RS 101
    Test accessories High power load VR Variable resistor to compensate the power current feedback into the amplifier
    Precision resistor R0.5-200 0.5 Ω 200 W, resistor for calibration
    LISN LISN50-25 Line impedance stabilization network 50 μH, 20 A
    Field monitoring sensor SCR4-RS101 Single coil for calibration
    Measurement equipment Current probe CT10000F 50 A, 1 Hz to 20 MHz
    Oscilloscope OD2C100M 100 MHz bandwidth, 1 Gs/s, 2 channels


      Management of calibration, settings, tests and reports


    品牌 Montena
    价格: ¥211800元
    型号 MIL-STD-461 CS101
    原产地 德国
    产品数量 不限
    产品关键字: CS101测试系统
    所属行业 电磁兼容
    发布时间 2024/1/15 16:55:40



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